2023 Narberth Civic Association Annual Meeting

After a short agenda, which included nominations and elections of Board Members, attendees had an opportunity to meet the three Democratic Party candidates for Narberth Borough Council in an informal setting and to ask them questions about the issues.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

in Borough Hall Multipurpose Room


Borough Council Candidates Forum

With Jean Burock, Jen Gajewski-Heon and Jim Speer

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Borough Hall Multipurpose Room

100 Conway Ave.

Submit your questions via email to: 


Sponsored by Narberth Civic Association


NarbEarth Day 2023

Complete List of Exhibitors at NarbEarth Day 2023:

  • ACRE Windows & Doors
  • Appel Farm Camp
  • BookSmiles
  • Children's Clothing Swap
  • Citizens' Climate Lobby
  • El Toro Serrano (taco food truck)
  • EPA - Philadelphia Office
  • Friends of Narberth History
  • GET Cafe (serving coffee and snacks)
  • Household Goods Swap (free bring and/or take)
  • JEVS Human Services/PIN
  • Jules Pizza (pizza truck)
  • Laurel Hill
  • Lower Merion Environmental Advisory Council
  • Lower Merion Historical Society
  • Rep. Mary Jo Daley
  • Montco PA Treasurers Office
  • Montgomery County Planning Commission
  • Mother Compost
  • NarbArt: Children's art project
  • Narberth Area Garden Club
  • Narberth Borough Shade Tree Commission
  • Narberth Civic Association, free water bar
  • Narberth Community Library Book Sale
  • Narberth Environmental Advisory Council
  • Narberth Presbyterian Preschool
  • New Horizons Senior Center
  • Our Closet In Your Neighborhood
  • Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light
  • Plant Swap  (free bring and/or take)
  • Preserve Oakwell
  • Pride at the Park
  • Riverbend Environmental Education Center
  • SavATree
  • Scouts BSA Troop 176
  • SHIFT Sustainable Goods & Services
  • Sweet Mabel

Full list of NarbEarth Day raffle items:

  • Arthur Murray: $159 Dance Lessons Gift Certificate
  • Bridge Hot Yoga: 5 class card, value $110
  • Character Development: $25 Gift Certificate
  • Cheese Company: $40 Gift Certificate
  • Danny's Guitar Shop: $40 Gift Certificate for one lesson
  • Great American Pub: $20 Gift Certificate
  • The Greeks: $50 Gift Certificate
  • House portrait by renowned local artist and NCA board member Bayista Khan
  • Little Blue Owl Baking Company (formerly Le Petit Mitron): $20 Gift Certificate
  • MOM's Organic Market: Gift Certificate + Gift Basket
  • Nana's Kitchen: $50 Gift Certificate
  • Nancy Grundahl: 3 handmade mosaics
  • Narberth Civic Association $30 Family Membership Gift Certificate
  • Pinwheel Provisions: Gift basket, value $145
  • Pottery Corner: $25 Gift Certificate
  • Pub of Penn Valley: $50 Gift Certificate
  • Revivals Boutique: 2 pairs of socks & Haute Diggity Dog toy, value $36
  • Sonae Hair Organics: Gift box of hair products and a hair styler value $120
  • Srinagar (Indian restaurant): $25 Gift Certificate
  • Sugar+Fire Baking Company: a cookie tasting box, value $35
  • Swan Dancewear: $25 Gift Certificate
  • Riverbend Environmental Education Center: Gift bag of Riverbend swag
  • GET Cafe: gift certificate $25
  • SHIFT Sustainable Goods & Services"SHIFT sustainable sampler" starter bundle, value @25
  • Narberth EAC: SHIFT products value $40
  • Mother Compost: 3 months of composting gift card
  • Laurel Hill Cemetary: 1 pair of event vouchers for any Laurel Hill event, value $65
  • Lower Merion Environmental Advisor Council: Mosquito Dunks and Bucket, value $40
  • Citizens' Climate Lobby: A Duxtop induction cooktop, value $50
  • Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light: Non-Profit: free swag items, value $10
  • Sweet Mabel: Basket of sustainable goods, value $100
  • New Horizons Senior CenterGift Certificate - $30 membership
  • Preserve Oakwell: Preserve Oakwell tee shirt and yard sign, value $12
  • SavATree: Arbor Kelp or Arbor Health Fertilization value $203
  • Narberth Borough Shade Tree Commission: small native tree, value $50
  • ACRE Windows & Doors: $20 American Family MarketGift Certificate
  • Appel Farm: $20 Gift CertificateGift Certificate program activities

Childrens activities at NarbEarth Day, May 6, 12-4:



NarbEarth Day 2023

Save the date : Saturday May 6th, 12-4

Calling all who want to celebrate and save our dear Earth!

The 34th annual NarbEarth Day will be held on

Saturday May 6th, from noon to 4 p.m

(Rain date May 7th, same time). 

Come connect with environmental organizations,

feast on good food and groove to the vibes of our favorite band, Grip It and Rip It.

Learn different ways you can make change happen.

You’ll hear from local groups such as GMO Free PA, Narberth Environmental Advisory Committee and Citizens Climate Lobby, along with the EPA, the Sierra Club, and our representative in Harrisburg, Mary Jo Daly.

Drop by the free swap tables.

Bring and/or take plants, toys, household goods or gently used children’s clothing. You can also bring books for children and adults, or clothing to distribute to underserved communities and schools.

So many ways to have fun!

  • Feast on Jules Pizza, El Toro Tacos, and coffee and snacks (including gluten-free treats) from Narberth’s own GET Café
  • Groove to music from Grip It & Rip It (led by Rich Myers, President of the Narberth Civic Association)
  • Quench your thirst at the Civic Association’s free water bar, and join while you’re there
  • Make a bird feeder, plant seeds, or paint a kindness rock with your children
  • Be surprised and delighted by animals from the Riverbend Environmental Center
  • Play our always-popular raffle for a chance to win a prize of your choosing. Local businesses have donated gift certificates, gardening supplies, hair products, and baskets of goods
  • Learn about organic gardening, composting, tree care, and green burial
  • Understand Narberth’s pollution control activities by touring one of our stormwater bump outs and by touring an undeveloped parcel of land which will be preserved as open space
  • Check out the Plant Swap, where you can bring and/or take perennials to brighten your garden
  • Discover unexpected treasures at the free bring and/or take tables where you’ll find toys, household goods, and kids’ clothes
  • Shop for sustainable items from Narberth’s own stores, Shift and Sweet Mabel
  • Buy books at the Narberth Community Library Used Book Sale (the library is collecting used books ahead of time)
  • Bring things to donate: books or clothing for kids or adults to be distributed to underserved communities and schools 
  • Explore our borough’s rich history with the Friends of Narberth History

A few more details…

We strive to make NarbEarth Day trash-free, so we won’t be selling bottled water, non-compostable food containers, or non-recyclable drink containers.

Come on foot or ride your bicycle: a free bike valet will look after your wheels.

Remember, NarbEarth Day gets underway at noon on Saturday, May 6, in Narberth Park, right next to the Narberth Community Library.

(Rain date: Sunday, May 7, same time.)

Watch. the archived video of NarbEarth Day 2013 - what sweet memories!



Join the Discussion!

Help Narberth Decide the Future of

the 201 Sabine Avenue Property -- Site of

the former Narberth School

  • During its December 1, 2021 Workshop meeting, Borough Council discussed the 201 Sabine property.

  • Click here to view a recording of the meeting, which is posted on the Civic Association's YouTube channel: the discussion about the property begins at 34:30.

  • Council encourages and greatly appreciates feedback from residents. Submit your comments to info@narberthpa.gov, and they will be read at Public Comment during the next meeting.

The conversation will continue at the December 15th Council Meeting. Residents are welcome to attend in person or via Zoom (you will find the Zoom link and agenda here).New Paragraph

Come One, Come All!

Pride at the Park

Saturday June 11th @ Narberth Park

We promise a fun-filled, educational day for everyone, with...

  • Lots of entertainment -- and live music including Lower Merion High School’s own Maddie Fiks
  • Organizations and student groups providing information and resources on LGBTQ+ issues
  • Local and queer vendors selling art, crafts, food, and more
  • Kid’s Corner in the Girl Scout Room featuring crafts and drag queen story time with Balena Canto

Click here to learn more about this exciting, student-created and -organized event.

March with the Civic on Monday, May 30!  

Join the Narberth Memorial Day Parade

Narberth's wonderful, classic Memorial Day Parade is sponsored by American Legion Post 356 and the Narberth War Memorial Committee. The Civic always has a contingent, and all Narberth residents are welcome to march with us as we honor those who have served and are serving our country in the military.

Decorate your bikes, strollers, or wagons,, and bring your babies, kids, and of course, your dogs! We'll line up at around 9:30 am near the corner of Windsor and Conway Avenues.

Contact Georgette DuBois at yogageorgette@gmail.com or (484) 995-3619 for more information -- and we'll see you there!

NarbEarth Day 2022 Recap
A Great Day in the Park

It was Worth the Wait!


Saturday, April 30 brought perfect weather and a wonderful turnout for the long-awaited/long-delayed return of NarbEarth Day. After months of planning and preparation, our volunteers, contributors, exhibitors -- and most of all, the members of our great community -- pulled it all together for a fantastic event.


We grooved to the excellent music from the talented Grip it and Rip It. We cooed to the charming performance by the kids from DanceXpress. After a late scramble, our food team arranged for the most delicious tacos, coffee, and sweets. The plant swap, our seminal event, proved as popular as ever, while the children's clothing swap was well attended and left us with plenty items to donate. The raffle offered up an amazing assortment of prizes that drew crowds throughout the afternoon -- and wound up making the most money in its history.


We have to give a special shout-out to the volunteers for their tireless work in setting things up on Saturday morning -- and cleaning up at day’s end. All of us at the Civic Association consider it a privilege and a joy to work with community-minded people who care so deeply about the earth and put that care into action every day!

If you made it out for the day, thanks for joining us. If you couldn't make it this time, we hope to see you at NarbEarth Day 2023!


Support Our Exhibitors and Local Partners!

Here’ are links to many of the groups and exhibitors who helped to make NarbEarth Day 2022 a rousing success. You'll also find many of these groups on Facebook.



NarbEarth Day: Saturday from 12 to 4pm*

Welcome Back, Friends and Families!

*The weather forecast is good, but if it does rain on Saturday, we'll see you on Sunday, May 1

Last-Minute Reminders...

--> Look for us between the Library and the children's playground on Windsor Avenue

--> Bring family and friends, and get ready for some serious fun!

--> Think Green! Leave the car at home, and walk, run, or ride your bike to the festivities -- we'll provide free "valet parking" for cyclists

--> Bring items to swap or donate

(Keep scrolling for more news and info...)

When You Get There...

Buy raffle tickets for a chance to win all sorts of goods and services!

Here's just some of the great stuff donated generously by Narberth businesses and exhibitors...

  • Sustainable and Low-waste Household Products
  • Plants, Supplies, and Services for your Garden
  • Food and Produce Samplers
  • Gift Cards from Local Eateries
  • Art and Pottery Pieces
  • Pilates Classes and Private Sessions
  • A Fuji "Lil Rookie" Bike for Beginning Riders
  • A Day Trip to Harrisburg (for up to 6 people) with Rep. Mary Jo Daley
  • A One-year Family Membership in the Narberth Civic Association


Bring items to swap or donate, including...

  • Plants
  • Children's clothing
  • Household goods
  • Jigsaw puzzles
  • Children's books (K-12) to donate
  • Used eyeglasses to donate

ABOVE ALL: bring your appetite (to enjoy tasty treats), your ears (to hear great music), and your curiosity (to learn about the urgency of environmental responsibility and sustainability).

Meet BookSmiles, a NarbEarth Day Exhibitor

Donate New or Gently-used Children's Books on Saturday, April 30

BookSmiles is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that promotes literacy and the joy of reading by giving books to children throughout the greater Philadelphia metropolitan area. They provide students and younger siblings with high-quality new or gently used books, laying the groundwork for academic success and brighter futures.

BookSmiles will be one of our exhibitors on NarbEarth Day, and they'll have a truck on hand to accept your donations to help their cause. Here are some guidelines to help you plan your donations.

What kinds of books can be donated?

In general, you can donate new or gently-used books for children from infancy through middle school age -- in short, any book you would be thrilled to have gifted to your own child (as long as it meets the guidelines below)

What kinds of books should NOT be donated?

BookSmiles is a literacy project, so please DO NOT donate text books, activity books, puzzle or sticker books, workbooks, textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, or library "discards"

BookSmiles is non-denominational, so please DO NOT donate religious books

Will BookSmiles accept books in any condition?

Donated books should be in new or "gently-used" condition. Please don't bring books with a musty smell or water damage, with pages that are yellowed, ripped or missing, or with handwriting or notes inside

Are more recent books preferred to older ones?

Not at all! Books of a "certain vintage" (say, pre-1980) are more than welcome (again, as long as they meet the general guidelines)

Click here to visit BookSmiles on the internet, or for more information, visit any of the following sites:

Facebook (NJ page):  https://www.facebook.com/BookSmilesnj/

Facebook (Main Line page): https://www.facebook.com/BookSmiles-of-the-Main-Line-104993958560845 

It's Only a Couple of Weeks Away!

NarbEarth Day Returns to the Park on Saturday, April 30

We're putting together final arrangements for the long-awaited re-launch of our popular annual environmental fair. Mary Brown, a local reporter and friend of the Civic Association, has penned a feature story about what she refers to as a "soul-warming celebration" -- a description with which we heartily agree!

Click here to read Mary's article, which is also available in the online Delco Times and King of Prussia Courier.

Here are highlights from our recent press release...

Walk over -- or ride your bike and enjoy complimentary valet bike parking -- and connect with friends, neighbors, and representatives from local, regional and national groups, as we celebrate and promote environmental responsibility and sustainability.


We promise plenty of fun and activities for one and all:


  • Sample a variety of foods and beverages from local vendors
  • Participate in eco-friendly activities and crafts
  • Enjoy live music from Grip It & Rip It
  • Paint “kindness rocks” that can later be found around Narberth
  • Buy “pick your prize” raffle tickets for a chance to win incredible prizes from local businesses
  • Donate: gently-used books for K-6 kids in underserved areas of Philadelphia; used eyeglasses for the Lions Club to distribute
  • Swap: children’s clothing, household goods and toys -- and new this year, a jigsaw puzzle swap sponsored by Sweet Mabel
  • Brighten up your garden with new perennials from the Plant Swap and Sale
  • Pick up a good read from the Narberth Community Library Used Book Sale 

Be sure to check back here over the next couple of weeks. We'll have further updates and previews of what is sure to be a fun, entertaining, and informative event for Narbs and Nearbs of all ages!

Join the Discussion!

Help Narberth Decide the Future of

the 201 Sabine Avenue Property -- Site of

the former Narberth School

  • During its December 1, 2021 Workshop meeting, Borough Council discussed the 201 Sabine property.

  • Click here to view a recording of the meeting, which is posted on the Civic Association's YouTube channel: the discussion about the property begins at 34:30.

  • Council encourages and greatly appreciates feedback from residents. Submit your comments to info@narberthpa.gov, and they will be read at Public Comment during the next meeting.

  • The conversation will continue at the December 15th Council Meeting. Residents are welcome to attend in person or via Zoom (you will find the Zoom link and agenda here).

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